Calendar of Events

Join us in promoting community health and wellness!


Northern Pharmacy and Medical Equipment frequently holds events and clinics to promote community health and wellness. Take a look at our events calendar and sign up for our newsletter.

Scroll down to view events and their details.

National Stroke Awareness Month

National Stroke Awareness Month

May is National Stroke Awareness Month in the United States, a month dedicated to spreading awareness about stroke risks and reducing its occurrence. A stroke occurs when blood circulation to the brain fails or bleeds - it can be of two types; ischemic due to lack of blood flow, and hemorrhagic caused by bleeding. Unfortunately, every 40 seconds someone suffers from this medical condition while deaths attributed to strokes occur at four-minute intervals on average. Learn more:

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National Blood Pressure Education Month

National Blood Pressure Education Month

Keeping your blood pressure in check is essential for maintaining a healthy heart. During National Blood Pressure Education Month, make sure to discuss the importance of monitoring this vital statistic with your healthcare team and determine which testing methods are right for you. From home readings to appointments at pharmacies or doctor’s offices, there are numerous options available so that keeping an eye on one's health can be made easy!

Learn more from CDC .

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Wellness Wednesday: Immune System Boosters

Wellness Wednesday: Immune System Boosters

🌟 Boost Your Immune System Naturally! 🌟 💪 Give your immune system a boost with these natural remedies: 1️⃣ Get plenty of sleep 😴 2️⃣ Eat a balanced diet 🥦 3️⃣ Stay hydrated 💧 4️⃣ Exercise regularly 🏋️‍♀️ 5️⃣ Manage stress levels 🧘‍♂️ Remember, small lifestyle changes can make a big difference in supporting your immune system and keeping you feeling your best!

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Men's Health Month

Men's Health Month

June is a time to celebrate the men in our lives! Help them stay healthy and prevent disease by getting involved with National Men’s Health Month. Adorned proudly with its blue ribbon, this month serves as an important reminder to people of all ages that they should take care of their bodies through good nutrition, physical activity, and preventive measures against diseases such as cancer, heart conditions and depression. Let's make sure the special ones in our lives are well taken care of throughout every season - starting now!

For more information about common men's health problems and how to be proactive about your health, head over to our website now--click here for more information.

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Pride Month

Pride Month

Discover the story behind Pride Month, which traces back to the historic Stonewall riots in 1969. The riot was sparked by a police raid on the Stonewall Inn, a gay bar situated in Lower Manhattan, New York City. Three activists - Marsha P. Johnson, Sylvia Rivera, and Stormé DeLarverie - are credited with inciting the riots, although Johnson disputes her involvement. This event led to the first pride marches held in multiple U.S. cities, including New York City in 1970, which aimed to commemorate the Stonewall riots and advance LGBT liberation. While the first marches were more like protests, they evolved to remind people of the LGBT community and its diversity. However, early marches excluded transgender women and people of color, despite them playing a significant role in the original riots. Learn more:

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National Cancer Survivors Day

National Cancer Survivors Day

National Cancer Survivors Day is an annual celebration that brings together survivors of cancer and their loved ones for a special day dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of life after diagnosis. Since 1988, the NCSD Foundation has coordinated events around the world on June 4th each year - this year being no different! It's time to honor brave individuals who have faced adversity and taken control over their lives post-diagnosis through strength, courage and hope while sharing information with those still struggling in order to provide them support along their journey. Join us in celebrating life despite any medical battle you may be facing as we come together honoring courageous fighters everywhere!

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Headache & Migraine Awareness Month

Headache & Migraine Awareness Month

Don't Wait for Relief: Prevent Headaches Before They Start

With so many treatments available, it's easy to forget that the best approach to headaches and migraines may simply be avoiding them altogether. Once a headache strikes, especially a migraine, it can disrupt your life for hours or even days.

Luckily, there are simple steps you can take to prevent headaches before they occur. Staying hydrated, eating regular meals, and getting enough sleep can all help keep headaches at bay. By identifying and avoiding your individual headache triggers, you may be able to enjoy a pain-free life.

For more:

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Flag Day

Flag Day

On June 14th each year, Americans come together to celebrate the anniversary of The Stars and Stripes. This tradition began in 1885 when schoolteacher BJ Cigrand organized a group of students to observe this special day with him - now known as 'Father of Flag Day', he continued to promote its celebration for many years after that. It wasn't until 1916 when President Woodrow Wilson issued an official proclamation declaring it a nationally-observed event, then over three decades later on August 3, 1949 was officially designated National Flag Day by Congress. Parades, ceremonies and picnics are held all around the country today thanks largely due to contributions from Veterans groups such as the National Flag Foundation who continue striving hard at keeping alive traditions which pay respect towards our nation's symbol - Old Glory!

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World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

We can all do our part to make sure elderly people are safe and healthy. World Elder Abuse Awareness Day on June 15th is an opportunity for us to take a stand against financial exploitation, neglect, and mistreatment of seniors in our communities. If we're aware of any situation that puts elders at risk or may be illegal - like scams targeting them – it's important to speak up. On this special day let’s ensure that the older members of society have access to their basic needs such as nutritious food, appropriate medication and assistance with hygiene—so they can live out life peacefully.

Spot Elder Abuse:

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Father's Day

Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there who have forever left a lasting impression on their children. You are cherished and appreciated beyond words.

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Discover the significance of Juneteenth, the oldest nationally celebrated commemoration of the ending of slavery in the United States. Join millions in honoring the day slavery officially ended and reflecting on the continued struggle for equality and justice in our country. Learn about the history, traditions and celebrations of Juneteenth and celebrate with your community this important American holiday. Learn more:

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Summer Solstice

Summer Solstice

This June 21st marks the start of summer in the Northern Hemisphere, as it aligns with when Earth reaches its point where the North Pole is most tilted towards our glorious Sun. At 10:58 AM EDT on this momentous day, we will get to witness nature’s longest period of sunlight hours and shortest night as a result! In contrast to these events taking place northwardly, down south they are ushering in their winter season beginning today - making sure all cultures around the world can enjoy and celebrate solstice folklore throughout 2023!

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UV Safety Awareness Month

UV Safety Awareness Month

Did you know that skin cancer is the most widespread cancer in America? But the good news is, it's one of the most avoidable. Shockingly, one in every five Americans will develop skin cancer at some point in their lives, and close to 20 people succumb to melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer, every single day. Protect yourself by safeguarding your skin from the dangerous ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun. Follow the lead mentioned in the infographic below and make sure you #PracticeSafeSun whenever you step outside.

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Independence Day

Independence Day

Celebrate Independence Day with the peace of mind that your health needs will continue to be met. Our team is devoted to providing accessible and convenient healthcare services to our community, even on holidays. Stop by our pharmacy to learn how you can take advantage of our unmatched services, all year round. Click for more:

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National Hot Dog Day

National Hot Dog Day

Did you know that hot dogs have a fascinating history? Their name dates back to the 19th century when German immigrants brought their own culinary traditions to the US, including the dachshund sausage. One German immigrant, Charles Feltman, sold over 3,600 hot dogs in a bun at his Coney Island stand in 1870.

Today, we celebrate National Hot Dog Day as a nod to National Hot Dog Month in July. It's the perfect time to indulge in this fan favorite, which became a household name thanks to an amusement park owner who paired them with baseball games in the late 19th century.

How you choose to celebrate is up to you - top your hot dog with all your favorite fixings or attend a Weiner dog race festival. There's no better way to beat the summer heat than with a delicious hot dog. So don't hesitate to indulge - we strongly encourage it!

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National Ice Cream Day

National Ice Cream Day

Thanks to President Reagan, National Ice Cream Day is celebrated every third Sunday in July - mark your calendars for July 16th! Reagan recognized the love Americans have for this frozen treat, with over 90% of the population enjoying it. He declared a day and month for ice cream in 1984, shining a light on the dairy industry in America. The US still takes the lead in worldwide ice cream consumption, averaging 23 gallons per person each year. Join in on the festivities and indulge in this ‘‘nutritious and wholesome food’’ that Reagan recognized as beloved by the majority of the US population. Get excited and celebrate with the rest of the world on this special day - no need to stress about which flavor to choose or how to celebrate, we’ve got you covered with inspiration.

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World Hepatitis Day

World Hepatitis Day

Attention all! Did you know that hepatitis B is a dangerous liver disease, and that 1 in 4 people with chronic HBV infection might develop liver cancer or failure? Yikes! But don't worry, there's hope - safe and effective vaccines can prevent this disease. Take action this World Hepatitis Day and schedule your vaccine appointment today!

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Teachers Day

Teachers Day

Each year, National Teacher Appreciation Day recognizes the incredible efforts of educators across America. Falling on the Tuesday of Teacher Appreciation Week in May, this special day is marked by a nationwide celebration – an opportunity to acknowledge and thank those who go above-and-beyond for our children's learning experiences. Teachers are integral when it comes to raising responsible members of society: they shape inquisitive minds with kindness and patience; create impactful support systems through understanding; apply their knowledge diligently with hard work; all while making lasting contributions that stretch far beyond any classroom setting.

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National Nurses Week

National Nurses Week

Nurses Week holds profound significance as it shines a spotlight on the tireless efforts, sacrifices, and unwavering dedication of nurses around the globe. This special week serves not only as a time to acknowledge their crucial role in healthcare but also to elevate public awareness about the challenges and triumphs within the nursing profession. It's a heartfelt opportunity for communities to express appreciation and foster a deeper understanding of the pivotal role nurses play in maintaining public health, especially during times of crisis. Celebrating Nurses Week helps underscore the respect, support, and gratitude these healthcare heroes richly deserve.

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Lupus Awareness

Lupus Awareness

Every May, we recognize Lupus Awareness Month to honor the community of individuals who have been affected by this inflammatory disease. When a person's immune system mistakenly targets its own tissues, it can compromise their physical and emotional health along with economic stability. Through such recognition efforts, our aim is to raise awareness about lupus so that more support may be given in order for those battling the condition feel empowered and secure.

Learn more:

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Mental Health Awareness Month

Mental Health Awareness Month

Mental health issues are a reality for many of us, and have become increasingly common in recent years. In 2020 alone, an estimated one-in-five adults experienced some form of mental illness while suicide was responsible for taking the lives of nearly 46 thousand people - making it the second leading cause death among 10 to 24 year olds that year. Facts such as these dispel any notion that mental health is something only other people experience; we can all take steps today toward understanding this growing problem better by learning the truth about common misconceptions surrounding mental illnesses. Learn more:

Know someone who needs help?

Talk to us: Mental Health Hotline 866-903-3787

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National Drug Take Back Day

National Drug Take Back Day

On Drug Take Back Day, April 27th 9am-4pm our pharmacist can help you safely dispose of your unwanted medications and ensure their best possible use for the environment. Throwing them in the trash or toilet risks harm to wildlife and drinking water - even at low levels! With a review from our experienced pharmacists, we can identify compliance issues as well as duplicate, outdated, and poorly stored medicines. Taking this extra precaution ensures that nothing stands between healthy individuals on one side –and clean air/water on the other– so don't miss out!

Year-round controlled substance public disposal locations:

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Alcohol Awareness Month

Alcohol Awareness Month

Every April for over 30 years, communities have come together to help reduce the stigma of alcohol addiction during Alcohol Awareness Month. This nationwide effort has been an essential part of addressing one of our nation’s most pressing public health issues. During this month-long observance, schools and organizations across the country use educational programs and resources to highlight prevention strategies that can bring understanding into how we address alcoholism in society today. For more information:

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IBS Awareness Month

IBS Awareness Month

April is a month to spread awareness about the common disorder known as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Often considered taboo by many, this syndrome can affect 25-45 million Americans and occurs worldwide. IBS affects the large intestine and therefore it's essential that people understand what it is so appropriate steps can be taken for treatment or prevention.


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Vaccination Clinic

Vaccination Clinic

Join us for a fantastic event hosted by Northern Pharmacy & Medical Equipment at the Fells Point Farmers Market.

Located at Fells Point Farmers Market

800 Broadway, Baltimore. MD 21231

SPRING 2024 COVID-19 Update:

People ages 65 years and older who are not immunocompromised, should receive 1 additional dose of any updated (2023–2024 Formula) COVID-19 vaccine at least 4 months following the previous dose of updated (2023–2024 Formula) COVID-19 vaccine in spring 2024.

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Wellness Wednesday: Benefits of Carrots

Wellness Wednesday: Benefits of Carrots

Carrots are a particularly good source of beta carotene, fiber, vitamin K1, potassium, and antioxidants. They also have a number of health benefits. They’re a weight-loss-friendly food and have been linked to lower cholesterol levels and improved eye health.

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STI Awareness Month

STI Awareness Month

April is STI Awareness Month - a designated time to increase sensitivity and knowledge around sexually transmitted infections (S.T.I). All too often, S.T.Is present mild or no symptoms; leading an alarming number of people continuing their lives unknowingly carrying the virus which can contribute significantly to community spread if undiagnosed & untreated over extended periods of time with potential further complications for those infected individuals themselves as well! This month calls attention to promoting responsible sexual practices including regular testing in addition teaching us all about its importance when it comes to understanding risks concerning our own health today and into the future!

Link for website:

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April Fools Day

April Fools Day

On April 1 each year, tricksters across the globe take part in a centuries-old tradition by attempting to deceive their friends and neighbors with creative hoaxes. From silly pranks played on an individual level up to elaborate media stunts that can span days or even weeks – these impish antics are all done in good fun, of course! When they're caught red-handed, pranksters often exclaim "April Fools!" as confirmation of their mischievous deed.

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🐰 Happy Easter!

Every year on Easter, Christians all around the world commemorate and celebrate Jesus Christ's miraculous resurrection. This holy event is a cornerstone of their faith - it symbolizes hope that believers will one day experience their own heavenly resurrection after death. According to religious scholars, this momentous occasion happened in roughly 30 AD three days following Jesus' crucifixion by Roman soldiers. In 2023 specifically, festivities are scheduled for April 9th - calculated with reference to the first Sunday after March 21st’s full moon occurrence (in accordance with lunar tradition).

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Wellness Wednesday: Benefits of Kiwi

Wellness Wednesday: Benefits of Kiwi

Kiwis are high in Vitamin C and dietary fiber and provide a variety of health benefits. This tart fruit can support heart health, digestive health, and immunity. The kiwi is a healthy choice of fruit and is rich in vitamins and antioxidants.

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Wellness Wednesday: Alleviate Cold Symptoms

Wellness Wednesday: Alleviate Cold Symptoms

Looking to alleviate cold symptoms? Staying hydrated by drinking warm water with lemon, or warm tea. Over-the-counter medications can help reduce your symptoms. Ask your pharmacist which OTC medication is right for you. And lastly, getting rest will help recharge your body’s immune system.

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National Social Work Month

National Social Work Month

In March, we celebrate National Social Work Month to look back and give recognition for the superhuman dedication of social workers across our country. From advocating on behalf of vulnerable populations to tackling complex psychological and sociological issues -- often with pay far too low relative to their demanding hours – these professionals are critical components in improving society as a whole. We should all take some time out this month to not only recognize these invaluable contributions but also thank those that work tirelessly each day towards bettering lives everywhere!

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Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month

Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month

During March, Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Awareness Month shines a bright light on the struggles of those living with this neurological disorder. 2.5 million people around the globe suffer from MS due to their immune system attacking nerve cells and disrupting communication in the central nervous system leading to balance issues, vision impairment, exhaustion and other debilitating side effects. While medical professionals have yet to discover its definitive cause or cure for this challenging condition, there are treatments available that can help provide relief and hope for better days ahead! At AmendRX we are devoted to simplifying the complex process of treating Multiple Sclerosis, offering superior guidance, support and education every step of the way.

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Wellness Wednesday: Brighten your Mood

Wellness Wednesday: Brighten your Mood

Brighten Up Your Mood During Winter: Each year, ‍3 million people are affected by Seasonal Affective Disorder during winter months. Here are some tips to help you brighten your mood during winter: Eat Nutrient-Rich Foods, Get Up and be Active, and Take Up Journaling.

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